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Language Literacy and Numeracy

Language Literacy and Numeracy Indicator Tool


If you are wondering if you have the skills needed to do one of our courses, why not try our free Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Indicator tool?

After you have submitted your answers, you will be emailed your results showing you how you performed in 5 areas that are important to you study.

Here is an example of the report:


  • Level 3 means you probably have the skills needed in that area for most courses up to Certificate 3
  • Level 2 means you probably have the skills needed in that area for most courses up to Certificate 2
  • Level 1 means you probably have the skills needed in that area for most courses at certificate 1 level

The report will also give you an idea of your strengths, and areas in which you may need some extra work to improve.

Who is this Indicator tool for?

Anyone who is thinking about doing a course, and wants to know if they have the language and numeracy (number) skills needed.

Our free indicator tool will give you an estimated rating from level 1 to level 3 depending on how you answer the questions presented to you.


This tool needs you to give verbal answers to some questions, and so you need to do it on your mobile phone or tablet that has a built-in camera.

A computer or laptop with a webcam will also work fine.

You will be asked 33 questions that will test your knowledge and skills in the areas of:

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Oral communication
  • Numeracy


Does it cost anything to do the LLN test?
No, Inscope Training offers this service for free.

How long is the test?
The indicator tool has 33 questions and takes about 1 hour to do.

What if I don't know some answers?
That's OK! Just click 'I don't know' and move on. The purpose of the tool is to get an idea of what you DO know.

Start now



$0 (GST Free)


1 hour

cpd points





This is an free indicator tool designed to give you an idea of your language literacy and numeracy skills.