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After the success and positive feedback from Inscope apprentice students from the July session, we are pleased to offer more dates for the Mates Apprentice Resilience Program.

This free program is a fantastic opportunity to support your apprentice’s wellbeing and exceed your WH&S obligations.

Mates Apprentice Resilience program was developed based on recommendations from the 2020 Australian Institute for Suicide and Prevention and Griffith University report that identified that apprentices and young workers in the construction industry are overrepresented in the incidence and impact of bullying and mental health, and are at higher risk of suicide.

The program covers skill development in:

  • Resilience and Self-care,
  • Workplace Bullying,
  • Workplace Rights,
  • Financial Management,
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs, and;
  • Suicide and Mental Health.

Note: The program does not form part of formal apprentice training and is not compulsory.


Monday 4th September 2023
Monday 9th October 2023


7am - 11am (Catered break included)
Apprentices can be released to return to work or stay at Training Centre til 3pm to complete unit theory or induction.


Inscope Training Capalaba Training Centre
19-21 Neumann Road, Capalaba


Free (thanks to Mates in Construction supporters and industry partners)


Program is limited to 10 students per date. Contact Inscope's Training Coordinator, Ella Haigh to book!

Call 1300 579 808 or Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.