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22-28 November 2021 is National Asbestos week. This year's campaign asks Australians to Think Twice About Asbestos. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness amongst the public and key trades about the health risks associated with exposure to asbestos fibres. Asbestos is still present in millions of homes, as well as public and commercial buildings across Australia. In homes built before 1990, asbestos can still be found anywhere, affecting 1 in 3 homes nationwide.

Asbestos fibres can pose a risk to health if airborne, as inhalation is the main way that asbestos enters the body causing mesothelioma, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, laryngeal cancer, asbestosis, COPD, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, pleural effusion and atelectasis. The use of asbestos is prohibited in Australia. Building materials supplier USG Boral earlier this month discovered “low levels” of asbestos in products it had imported from China causing the temporary close down of the Brisbane Queens Wharf project (McLeod 2021; Dennis 2021).

This article shares some information about Inscope's Asbestos Awareness course and how you can keep safe or how your business can keep your staff safe from Asbestos exposure in the workplace.

What's involved with Asbestos Awareness course?

The Asbestos Awareness Course is delivered completely online with rich multimedia resources, you can sign up at any time and go at your own pace. The duration of the course is 1-2 hours. Students pay upon completion your Certificate emailed immediately.

Asbestos Awareness Course is ideal for people:

  • That may encounter asbestos or asbestos containing materials in their workplace
  • To ensure that they remain safe while on-site
  • Wanting to make sure their skills and knowledge are current and up to date with the latest industry standards

Asbestos Awareness Course is ideal for businesses:

  • Needing to ensure staff who may come in contact with asbestos or asbestos containing materials in their normal course of work are appropriately trained as required by SafeWork Australia.
  • That want a simple and easy way to manage staff courses with a company account (simple invoicing, access to staff certificates and personalised training page)

Why Inscope?

Inscope has been offering their Asbestos Awareness Course since 2014 and recently upgraded the resources. The course helps people that may encounter asbestos in their workplace to remain safe and ensure they are properly trained in line with SafeWork Australia procedures.

With a 4.9/5 ranking on Google with 875 reviews you can see for yourself how highly rated the course is by students.

Want to learn more?

Enrol here, or contact our friendly team who can take you through the resources.


Dennis, J. (2021).Hundreds of workers walk off Brisbane's Queen's Wharf redevelopment construction site amid asbestos scare. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-12/qld-asbestos-scare-queens-wharf-construction-site/100533386

McLeod, C. (2021).Sydney asbestos scare prompts union call for increased border screening. https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/sydney-asbestos-scare-prompts-union-call-for-increased-border-screening/news-story/f8c86a68bbb227c0aaba5b90a9281bf9