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The amendment to the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) to include a prohibition on sexual harassment, came into effect on 6 March 2023.

The amendment protects workers, prospective workers and persons conducting or undertaking a business from sexual harassment.

Under these changes, employers could be vicariously liable for sexual harassment of their workers, unless an employer can demonstrate they took “all reasonable steps to prevent the conduct from occurring”.

One reasonable step to protecting yourself and your workers is to provide appropriate training. Our Sexual Harassment in the Workplace awareness course is 100% self paced online and defines what is sexual harassment in the workplace, the legal liability and responsibilities, the impact of sexual harassment, and what it means to be an active bystander.

If you are a business with 5 or more employees our Employer Account provides you with a simple way to manage your training through Inscope. We will set you up with a free customised training page for your business with a special login which allows you to:

  • Enter your employees/students details before they start
  • Monitor your employees/students progress
  • Pay for your employees/students in bulk
  • Keep a record of training completed
  • Access to your staff’s/student’s completed course certificates

And best of all an employer account can be tailored to include any of our nationally-accredited or awareness short courses.

Take a step to protect yourself and your workers today. Call us on 1300 579 808 or visit our website to start now!

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